When the forecast temperature at 4:00pm on the day prior to any timesheet is predicted to be 38 degrees or above (The Bureau of Meteorology Forecast will be used to determine), the timesheet will be cancelled and replaced as follows.
At 4:30pm on the day prior, a timesheet for 7:30am shotgun start shall be opened. Any Member / Guest who wish to play in the shotgun start field will need to book on the new timesheet, regardless of whether mthey had their name on the previous timesheet or not. Should the event of the day be of a significant nature (Eg. Honour Board Event, Medal Events), the event will be transferred to another date determined by the Golf Operations Committee.
The 7:30am shotgun start field does not preclude Members & Guests from playing after the field however we strongly recommend they consider the risk prior to commencing their round as these policies have been developed in reference to Golf Australia and Sports Medicine Australia Hot Weather Guidelines.
Motorised Carts
All Carts including Member’s Carts will not be permitted on the Course when the Extreme Weather Policy is activated as this can have significant and long-lasting impact of the turf.
On total fire ban days, smoking is banned on the Golf Course.
When the forecast wind speed at 4:00pm on the day prior to any timesheet is predicted to be 65km per hour or above, the daily timesheet will be cancelled unless an amended forecast of 55km per hour or below is received by 7:00am on the day of play. In this case, the daily timesheet will continue unless wind speeds reach in excess of 65km per hour. This does not preclude Members and Guests from playing on the day however we strongly recommend they consider the risk prior to commencing their round.
Air Quality
When EPA air quality ratings in Geelong are hazardous (their worst rating), the Course will be closed unless an amended rating is received by 7:00am on the day of play.
Under Rule 5.7 in the Rules of Golf, a Player may discontinue play if he/she believes there is danger from lightning but then must follow the procedure defined by rule 5.7 to avoid disqualification.
In the event a heavy fog reduces Player and Staff visibility and a white marker behind the 3rd green cannot mbe seen from the Pro Shop, Golf Operations, a Manager, Club Management or Pro Shop Staff must suspend play immediately for the safety of all golfers.
Stopping Play
If Golf Operations, a Manager, Club Management or Pro Shop Staff have safety concerns, play must be suspended for all Players. This will be signalled on Course by one prolonged note of a siren, meaning play must cease immediately. The ball positions must be marked with all Players returning to the Proshop / Clubhouse as safely as possible.
Play may also be suspended in the event Golf Operations, a Manager, Club Management or Pro Shop Staff become aware of unplayable conditions such as darkness, flooded greens, balls blowing off greens etc, and play may be suspended under Rule 5.7
Resuming Play
Resumption of play will be determined by Golf Operations, a Manager, Club Management, or Pro Shop Staff signalled by two short notes of a siren.
- http://www.bom.gov.au/places/vic/clifton-springs/
- https://sma.org.au/sma-site-content/uploads/2017/08/hot-weather-guidelines-web-downloaddoc-2007.pdf
- https://assets.ctfassets.net/3urhge2ecl20/6OlZdsI6EgUKcryb9EkeCB/8012824f80e585ab9650d131d0fb692b/00016506-source.pdf
- https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/for-community/airwatch?location-searchfield=Geelong&siteId=5fa9b7aa-651d-4c9d-96b1-8f6813b2d933&location=%5B-38.1499181%2C144.3617186%5D
- https://www.randa.org/Rog/2019/Rules/Players-Edition/Rule-5